Mergers & Acquisitions
We assist with:
- Pre-notification assessment of possible competition concerns and potential remedies
- Phase I and Phase II investigations and their national equivalents
- Ex-post evaluation of merger control decisions
- Intervenor submissions
Merger control requires a swift understanding of the market and all participants. CEG economists provide rigorous economic analyses essential to clearing high-profile merger cases. We develop and present compelling narratives by applying economics within the legal framework and conduct econometric and simulation analyses where applicable. CEG experts have made an impact on numerous merger assignments before the European Commission and national authorities in Europe and Asia-Pacific. Our experts also provide risk assessments to help clients better navigate the regulatory environment and make more informed choices on potential firms to acquire or merge with.
CEG economists participate in all stages of merger control. We define the relevant markets that are potentially affected by the merger, analyse the corresponding levels of competition and assess the competitive effects of the merger. Our experts identify and quantify potential efficiencies, and propose and evaluate remedies if required.
Representative Engagements
Analysis of proposed sale of supermarket chain Real by German food wholesaler Metro to Redos before the German Federal Cartel Office.
Supporting advice to multinational industrial gases producer AirProducts in the Phase II investigation of its acquisition of ACP before the Polish Office of Competition and Consumer protection.
Expert report for intervener Prijsvrij B.V. during Phase II on the effects of the proposed merger on the Dutch market for package travel before the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets.
CEG provided supporting advice and analysis for an intervening mobile operator on competitive effects of the proposed merger between cable operator Ziggo and mobile operator Vodafone in the Dutch telecom sector.
CEG supported Murata in clearing its acquisition of Sony’s battery business before the Chinese Ministry of Commerce.
for a Japanese complainant: in-depth investigation in Australia and Europe leading to withdrawal of transaction and a GCR award.
South32 acquisition of Peabody, competition effects on supplies to BlueScope.
between building materials companies. Retained by Clayton Utz (Australia) and Chapman Tripp (New Zealand).
in relation to the Tabcorp acquisition of Tatts. Retained by Racing Victoria.
CEG was retained by ACCC.
Retained by Gilbert + Tobin Car parking acquisition – action against Wilson parking for the acquisition of car park in Wellington before New Zealand High Court (engaged by Bell Gully advising New Zealand Commerce Commission).
A series of expert reports in relation to the proposed merger between TPG Telecom and Vodafone Hutchison Australia.